Hydrogen Kernnetz
A milestone for the energy transition: On 22.10.2024, the Federal Network Agency approved the construction of the Germany-wide hydrogen Kernnetz. Europe’s largest hydrogen network will be created by 2032, making it an important pillar of the climate-neutral energy system of the future.
Integrated network planning for the energy system of the future
German gas and electricity TSOs launch joint survey to prepare infrastructure for a low-carbon future.
The survey aims to collect information on the future production (including power-to-gas plants), feed-in, storage and use of hydrogen as well as the electricity consumption of large-scale consumers (including large-scale battery storage) of individual market participants.
The market information provided will contribute to the design of the Network Development Plans for the electricity, gas and hydrogen networks.
By March 22, 2024, market stakeholders are welcome to submit their applications on the common platform Marktabfrage Wasserstoff und Strom.
Further information can be found on the FNB website here.
The section dedicated to hydrogen projects is accessible here.
Energy of the future
Hydrogen Demand Survey
As an energy transmission system operator, we give a high priority to energies of the future. We are currently in the process of preparing our MEGAL pipeline system for the transport of hydrogen. In order to be able to realise a transport of CO2-neutral hydrogen from the Iberian Peninsula via France to Germany, the hydrogen demand along our pipeline system has to be evaluated. To this end, we have launched a survey on hydrogen grid connection demand. Your participation will contribute significantly to creating planning parameters for a conversion to green gas and enabling a market ramp-up for hydrogen.
Therefore, we ask you to report anticipated hydrogen and green gas projects along the MEGAL pipeline using the attached Excel form. By doing so, we will also take your project into account to ensure early availability of hydrogen.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
We assure you that your data will be processed confidentially.
Hydrogen Demand Survey

Our visionary hydrogen transport network
The German FNBs have designed a visionary hydrogen transport network of about 5,900 km, over 90% of which is based on today's natural gas pipelines.
Industrial locations with a high future demand for hydrogen, transport centres and possible hydrogen production, storage and import locations were taken into account. NaTran Deutschland and the other FNBs have already published the first steps on this path in the network development plan 2020-2030.
European hydrogen backbone
For NaTran Deutschland and its counterparts in Europe, a 23,000 km hydrogen network is possible for 2040. This European “hydrogen backbone” will be made up of 75% converted natural gas pipelines and 25% new hydrogen pipelines. Ultimately, two networks will exist: one network will be dedicated to hydrogen, and the other to (bio)methane.

P2G as part of the energy transition
NaTran coordinated with various French partners the first Power-to-Gas demonstration plant with a power of 1 Mwel transforming electricity into hydrogen through electrolysis. The hydrogen and synthesized methane are injected into the natural gas network. NaTran estimates that by 2050, the Power-to-Gas solution will produce between 15 and 20 TWh of renewable gases per year.
Power-to-Gas project coordinated by NaTran
Gas as energy storage
Excess electrical current can only be stored to a very limited extent. By means of electrolysis, electricity can produce oxygen and hydrogen from water. In the future, hydrogen can replace many fossil fuels. It burns again in a cycle with oxygen to water without emitting greenhouse gases.

France collaborates with Germany on the energy transition
In summer 2020, both Germany and France set ambitious targets for the development of a hydrogen economy. Together, the two industrialised nations want to take on a leading role worldwide.
NaTran and NaTran Deutschland are pursuing cross-border projects on hydrogen production, transport and consumption with other partners in order to take small steps to establish a European backbone system.
For the first time, supply contracts for biomethane
On 14 October 2020, NaTran Deutschland awarded supply contracts for energy in the form of biomethane for the first time. In total, 17,520 MWh (about 5 %) of our forecast annual consumption in 2021 will now be supplied by biogas.
Based on positive results of the tender, we can imagine increasing the share of biomethane in our fuel gas consumption to up to 10% in the future.

Separation of Hydrogen from Gas Mixtures via Membranes
There is a framework agreement with ONTRAS for the research on and development of hydrogen. Via its parent company NaTran, NaTran Deutschland is involved in the project entitled "Separation of Hydrogen by means of Membranes" in Prenzlau. The partners, among which include ONTRAS, are testing in a pilot plant how best to produce pure hydrogen from a hydrogen-containing gas mixture by means of membranes. The results are of crucial importance for a future hydrogen economy.
NaTran Deutschland commits to new framework to monitor, report and reduce methane emissions
As a German system operator of a gas transport infrastructure, NaTran Deutschland joined OGMP and therefore agreed to report methane emissions with a new, much higher level of transparency.
The Oil and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP) is a Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) initiative led by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the European Commission (EC), and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). The new OGMP2.0 framework is the new gold standard reporting framework that will improve the reporting accuracy and transparency of anthropogenic methane emissions in the oil and gas sector.
The goal is to enable the oil and gas industry to realize deep reductions in methane emissions over the next decade in a way that is transparent to civil society and governments.