Our commitment

European transmission system operators are obliged by law to publish various updated information on their websites in a common data format on a regular basis. 

Here you can view the transparency information according to Regulation 715/2009/EG, the compliance details for NC TAR Article 29 & 30, and the data to be published according to the REMIT Regulation (1227/2011/EG).



Please find the publication of information according to Art. 4 (1) of the European Regulation No. 1227/2011 for NaTran Deutschland GmbH, EI-Code 21X000000001008P since 01.03.2019 on the ENTSOG Transparency Platform. 

In the event that the ENTSOG transparency platform is not available, REMIT notifications are published on the PRISMA platform.


Publication acc. § Section 23c (5) Sentence 1 no. 3 EnWG

According to § Section 23c (5) Sentence 1 no. 3 EnWG, TSO are obliged to publish the results of auctions on the PRISMA capacity platform on their website or via link to PRISMA platform.

Since PRISMA is already sufficiently publishing all results of primary and secondary auctions in their reporting section, please find the following links below:

Long & short term auction results:

Standard reporting:

ENTSOG Transparency Platform


Art. 29(a)

Information for standard capacity products for firm capacity (reserve prices, multipliers, seasonal factors, etc.)​

Art. 29(b)

Information for standard capacity products for interruptible capacity (reserve prices and an assessment of the probability of interruption)

Art. 30(1)(a)

Information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology related to the technical characteristics of the transmission system

Art. 30(1)(a)(i)

Technical capacity at entry and exit points and associated assumptions​

Art. 30(1)(a)(ii)

Forecast contracted capacity at entry and exit points and associated assumptions​

Art. 30(1)(a)(iii)

The quantity and the direction of the gas flow for entry and exit points and associated assumptions​

Art. 30(1)(a)(iv)

The structural representation of the transmission network with an appropriate level of details​

Art. 30(1)(a)(v)

Additional technical information about the transmission network, such as the length and the diameter of pipelines and the power of compressor stations​

Art. 30(1)(b)(i)

Information on the allowed and/or target revenue​

Art. 30(1)(b)(ii)

Information related to changes in the revenue​

Art. 30(1)(b)(iii)

Information related to the following parameters: types of assets, cost of capital, capital and operational expenditures, incentive mechanisms and efficiency targets, inflation indices​

Art. 30(1)(b)(iv,v)

Information on the transmission services revenue including capacity-commodity split, entry-exit split and intra-system/ cross-system split

Art. 30(1)(b)(vi)

Information related to the previous tariff period regarding the reconciliation of the regulatory account

Art. 30(1)(b)(vii)

Information on the intended use of the auction premium.

Art. 30(1)(c)

Information on the intended use of the auction premium

Art. 30(2)(a)(i,ii)

Information on transmission tariff changes and trends

Art. 30(2)(b)

Information about the used tariff model and an explanation how to calculate the transmission tariffs applicable for the prevailing tariff period

Art. 30(3)

Information about the points excluded from the definition of relevant points

Annex Description Link
3.1.2 a

A detailed and comprehensive description of the different services and their charges

3.1.2 b)

u. c) 1.

Different transportation contracts and other significant documents

3.1.2 c) Network code / standard conditions

3.1.2 c) 2. Specification of relevant gas quality parameters

3.1.2 c) 3. Pressure requirements

3.1.2 c) 4. Procedure in the event of an interruption of interruptible capacity

3.1.2 d) Harmonised procedures applied when using the transmission system, including the definition of key terms

3.1.2 e) Provisions on capacity allocation, congestion management and anti-hoarding and reutilisation procedures

3.1.2 f) Rules applicable for capacity trade on the secondary market vis-à-vis the transmission system operator

3.1.2 g) Rules on balancing and methodology for the calculation of imbalance charges

3.1.2 h) Flexibility and tolerance levels included in transportation and with additional charges

3.1.2 i) Detailed description of the gas system of TSO and its relevant points of interconnection / names of the operators of the interconnected systems or facilities

3.1.2 j) Rules applicable for connection to the system

3.1.2 k) Information on emergency mechanisms

3.1.2 l) Procedures agreed at interconnection points (if relevant) relating to interoperability of the network, agreed procedures on nomination and matching procedures and other agreed procedures that set out provisions in relation to gas flow allocations and balancing

3.1.2 m) Description of the methodology and process used to calculate the technical capacity

3.3.(1) a-e, 3.3.(2) 


3.3. (4), (5) Capacities, Nominations, Renominations, actual physical flows, gross calorific values

3.3. (1) f) Planned and actual interruptions

3.3. (1) g) Planned and unscheduled interruptions

3.4 (1) u. (2) Information on secondary trading

3.4 (3) Balancing services

3.4 (4) Further flexibility service of TSO; here OFC

3.4 (5) Amount of gas in the transmission system and the forecast

3.4 (6) User-friendly instruments for calculating tariffs

Regulation (EC) No. 715/2009

According to Regulation (EC) No. 715/2009 of European Parliament and the Council on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks, and particularly to the Chapter 3 of Annex I of 10 November 2010 (2010/685/EU), the European transmission system operators are bound to publish several updated information in a prevalent format on their websites regularly.​

In the following table you will find an overview of the implemented transparency requirements and where you will find the associated information linked to our website. 


Market information regarding VIP Implementation

The VIP France - Germany, VIP Waidhaus NCG and VIP Oberkappel NCG are in operation since the 1st of March 2019.

Please find all the documents published by GRTgaz Deutschland on the right side of the page.

Article 19 Paragraph 9 of the Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM) foresees the establishment of virtual interconnection points (VIP). The concerned German Transmission System Operators (TSOs) have in 2018 regularly informed market participants on the intermediate status of implementation as well as on the discussions with the regulatory authorities at the European and national level.

Market information regarding the THE implementation of 01.10.2020


Market Information regarding the Implementation of VIP

As of 31-01-2019

Market Information on VIP NCG Oberkappel

As of 08.11.2018

Market Information regarding VIP France Germany and VIP NCG Waidhaus

As of 04.09.2018

Market information regarding VIP-Implementation

As of 24.08.2018

Market information regarding VIP-Implementation

As of 30.05.2018

Market information regarding VIP-Implementation

As of 01.03.2018