
Market Information for the THE VIP Implementation

Due to the merger of the Netconnect Germany (NCG) and GASPOOL market areas into the new Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area on October 1st, 2021, there will be an obligation at some borders to merge further interconnection points (IP) and existing VIPs to new THE VIPs.

Please find all information in our information paper on THE VIP implementation.


First time NaTran Deutschland calls for Biogas in fuel gas tender

As of today, 1st October 2020, NaTran Deutschland's fuel gas tender for the calendar year 2021 can be viewed on the platform Tender365. For the first time, NaTran Deutschland inquires biogas as fuel gas.

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As part of the ongoing energy transition, it is important to contribute sooner than later to a sustainable operation of the gas infrastructure. Hence GRTgaz Deutschland will tender a part of its fuel gas (17 GWh) as biogas. This will be done in coordination with the Bundesnetzagentur.

The tender will take place on 14 October 2020 and will take place between 10:00 and 12:30 Berlin time, depending on the tranche tendered. The tender can be accessed online via the platform's marketplace.

Suppliers can participate in the tender via guest access on Tender365. Offers via other communication channels will not be accepted. Interested parties are kindly requested to qualify in advance. For further details please refer to the Gerneral Terms and Conditions.


Due to technical reasons, the biogas lots will be available on Tender365 from 7th October onwards.

For further questions please contact us.


Price list valid as of 1st October 2021 published

NaTran Deutschland has published the price list for transports in the new market area THE valid as of 1st October 2021.

Please find the price list in our Downloads section.


Biogas levy for calender year 2021 published

In the sense of § 7 of the Cooperation Agreement in the currently valid version (“KoV”) in conjunction with the „Guideline for biogas redistribution levy“, NaTran Deutschland publishes the uniform throughout Germany applicable specific biogas levy. The throughout Germany applicable biogas levy for the calender year 2021 amounts to 0,6250 EUR/kWh/h/a.

The biogas levy fee is charged in addition to the network fee at Exit points to directly connected end consumers and downstream grids of NaTran Deutschland. Exit points to storages, border- and market area interconnection points remain unaffected.


2021 Price List Published

You may find the 2021 price list in our Downloads section.

To Downloads 


Network fees valid from 1 January 2021 for the NCG market area published

The fees for firm and free assignable capacity with a booking period of one year amount to 3,77 €/kWh/h/a for the NCG market area with effect from 01.01.2021.

NaTran Deutschland points out that it has lodged a complaint against the decision REGENT-NCG issued by the Federal Network Agency on 29/03/2019 - which is the basis for the fee - before the competent court.


NaTran Deutschland offers additional capacity in 2021/22 according to KAP+

According to tenor 3 lit. a of the BNetzA decision KAP+ from 25.03.2020 (BK7-19-037) TSO NaTran Deutschland informed BNetzA about the amount of additional capacity („Zusatzkapazität“). It amounts to 3,808 GW on their Entry point Waidhaus. In the following years equivalent information will solely be disclosed on the homepage of NaTran Deutschland.


Information on the Coronavirus

From the very beginning of the health crisis sparked by the spread of the corona virus Sars-CoV-2, we have worked hard to secure the continuance of our transport services in the gas system.


Dear clients, business partners and friends,

From the very beginning of the health crisis sparked by the spread of the corona virus Sars-CoV-2, we have worked hard to secure the continuance of our transport services in the gas system. We are monitoring the situation and continuously adjusting our processes to shifting circumstances. We have taken special measures for all employees, and in particular for employees with tasks directly related to our customers, to carry out transport orders at our usual reliability while protecting the health of our employees.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at smile@grtgaz-deutschland.de if you have any questions.

Your team @ GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH


Hydrogen: Signing of a European Memorandum of Understanding

This agreement, the most important one to date at European scale, reinforces cross-border cooperation and is a clear signal of the intention of gas TSOs to contribute to the deployment of hydrogen and new decarbonised gas solutions.

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The purpose of this MoU is to set out key principles on the basis of which the parties will cooperate in jointly pursuing two projects:

  • The first one, led by ONTRAS, concerns a gas filter separating methane and hydrogen compounds from a mixed gas stream. The objective is to build a pilot set of membranes for the separation of hydrogen in hydrogen-natural gas mixtures with high purity. The tests will start in 2020.
  • The second one, led by GRTgaz, is a dedicated testing facility of the future FenHYx platform that will assess the hydrogen readiness of network equipment and evaluate their efficient operation with internal and external leakage test benchmarks. The first cluster of the FenHYx platform will be built in 2020 by the GRTgaz Research and Innovation Center for Energy (RICE) to carry out hydrogen R&D.

"ONTRAS has vast experience with mixed gas streams as we have two power to gas plants feeding hydrogen into our network. With the European cooperation for the separation of hydrogen and participation in the testing facility project we will open new possibilities for the use of existing networks for future trans-border green gas transport", said Ralph Bahke, Managing Director of ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH.

"For many years, GRTgaz has been committed to exploring different ways to contribute to the development and deployment of hydrogen e.g. through blending with natural gas in its network; through supporting innovative production processes such as thermal gasification and through the management of the consortium for the power to gas “Jupiter 1000” pilot project in the South-East of France. Our agreement with ONTRAS will strengthen European research and development efforts towards the deployment of hydrogen and the achievement of climate neutrality. This MoU opens new opportunities to contribute towards the identification of reliable and competitive solutions for the development of the sector and the integration of hydrogen into gas networks", said Thierry Trouvé, CEO of GRTgaz.

"The mega-project of increasing the share of hydrogen injected into our networks calls for a Pan-European effort. To this end, a Franco-German research co-operation offers great potential for new developments in the gas transportation sector. We very much appreciate and actively support this collaboration", said Nicolas Delaporte, Managing Director of GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH.


Into the Cloud!

At the beginning of November, NaTran Deutschland completely moved into the cloud with its applications inubit and Gas-X. This makes us the first TSO in Germany who has dared to take this step.

The advantages of these solutions are obvious: high-performance infrastructure, cost reduction and no more time-consuming coordination between the individual service providers.

You can find more information here:


Sopra Steria  


Biogas Levy for Calendar Year 2020 Published

In accordance with sec. 7 of the currently applicable version of the Cooperation Agreement in conjunction with the ‘Guidelines for biogas redistribution levy’, NaTran Deutschland publishes the biogas levy fee applicable uniformly throughout Germany. For the calendar year 2020, it amounts to 0.6350 €/kWh/h/a.

The biogas levy fee is charged in addition to the network fee at Exit points to directly connected end consumers of NaTran Deutschland. Exit points to storages, border- and market area interconnection points remain unaffected. 

2020 reserve prices for internal orders 


Market area conversion levy for calendar year 2020

The market area conversion levy according to § 25 Terms and conditions for the entry and exit contract and § 10 KoV is calculated nationwide and applicable to all exit points in addition to the network fees. The market area conversion levy will not affect exit points connecting storage facilities, cross-border interconnection points and market area connection points.

For the calendar year 2020, the nationwide market area conversion levy will be 0.5790 €/kWh/h/a.

The reported planned costs for the market conversion for 2020 (as resulting from a comparison of planned and actual costs in 2018) amount to 179,168,392.21€.

In 2018, the nationwide market conversion costs amount to 95,459,483.30€.

2020 reserve prices for internal orders 

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