NaTran Deutschland obtains Gold Standard certification for 2024
On the occasion of the COP29 in Baku, UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) published its 4th edition of International Methane Emissions Observatory - IMEO report, An Eye on Methane. This report provides the latest updates on methane emission reductions. For the quality of its reporting, NaTran Deutschland has been certified with the Gold standard in 2024, as a result of its effective reporting since 2021, the highest level of recognition for our progress in this initiative.
NaTran Deutschland is fully commited to achieve ambitious emission reduction targets! Find out more here

Hydrogen Dialogue 2024
NaTran Deutschland will be attending the Hydrogen Dialog summit in Nuremberg on 4-5 December, where the hydrogen industry will come together to discuss key developments and solutions.
Alongside our partners Ferngas, Bayernets GmbH and OGE, we will present our role in the development of hydrogen infrastructure for Bavaria.
After receiving the Kernnetz approval, the next steps in providing service to Bavaria are now being initiated.
We look forward to welcoming you at booth 615 for productive discussions!
To make an appointment with our team, please write to : smile@natran-deutschland.de
More information on the website of the event, here

Process for market-based instruments (MBI) and capacity buyback
Publication according to article 6 lit. d) of the decision of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) of March 21, 2024 on the "Decision on the approval of instruments to increase capacity" ("ANIKA"; file number: BK7-23 -043)
Description of the process MBI and capacity buyback according to ANIKA
NaTran Deutschland publishes new General Terms and Conditions
The new General and Supplementary Conditions are available in the Download section.
These new GTC will apply from October 1, 2024.
New uniform postage stamp tariff for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area from 1 January 2025.
For the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area the transmission system operators have determined the uniform tariff from 1 January 2025 on the basis of the Federal Network Agency’s (BNetzA) REGENT 2021 decision.
On 27 May 2024, NaTran Deutschland this uniform network tariff. The annual tariff for firm, freely allocable entry and exit capacity will be 6,71 EUR/(kWh/h)/a applicable from 1 January 2025.
Compared to 2024, there is a major higher tariff for firm freely allocable entry and exit capacities in the THE market area.
The war in Ukraine has led to significant distortions on the European natural gas market from 2022. The current increase in tariffs can be attributed to various causes, some of which are only now emerging with a time lag and reflect the consequences of this crisis:
- High storage levels and a significant decline in end consumption and transit volumes lead to a reduced booking forecast.
- Due to the regulatory account system, the extraordinary effects from the crisis year 2022 (e.g. declines in bookings and high fuel costs) are now increasing costs with a time lag for the first time in 2025.
- The diversification of supply sources by means of new LNG plants has supported security of supply and helped to dampen the commodity price. The associated investments by individual transmission system operators in new entry points and connecting pipelines for the LNG facilities are also included in the 2025 tariff calculation.
The complete price sheets are available in the Download section.

Marketing Suspension at VIP France-Germany Entry
The VOLKER regulation expires on March 31, 2024. Pending the extension of this regulation,NaTran Deutschland and OGE will suspend the marketing of capacities at the VIP France - Germany Entry from March 30, 2024.
With the VOLKER regulation, the BNetzA has enabled a physical flow of odorized gas from France from October 2022 to March 31, 2024. An extension is supported by the responsible BNetzA Ruling Chamber 9, but is still in consultation.
Due to the pending extension of the legislation, Natran Deutschland and OGE have decided to suspend the marketing of gas capacities on the VIP France-Germany in the direction from France to Germany.
We regret this restriction and hope to resume transport soon. As soon as new information is available from the BNetzA, we will inform the market.
Additional offer of freely allocable capacities (FZK) at the VIP France Germany Entry
From January 3, 2024, Natran Deutschland GmbH and Open Grid Europe GmbH have allocated additional FZK volumes to VIP France Germany Entry. The French grid operator NaTran is also increasing the maximum available volume on the French side to up to 180 GWh/j. NaTran has published a market communication for further details on the provision and determination of the available daily capacities on the French side.
In total, this results in a new technically available capacity (TVK) at the VIP France Germany Entry of 7,500,000 kWh/h (sum of TVKs provided by OGE and NaTran Deutschland) from January 3, 2024.
The capacities on the French side are determined on a daily basis so that the volumes are offered as a bundled day-ahead and withinday product on Prisma.

Additional supply of freely allocable capacities (FZK) at the VIP Oberkappel Exit
As of January 1, 2024, NaTran Deutschland has placed additional FZK volumes at the VIP Oberkappel Exit. Until now, NaTran Deutschland has only provided a share of the dynamically allocable capacities (DZK) (538,350 kWh/h), which could only be firm with a corresponding gas injection at the eastern import points in the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area. By replacing the DZK volumes for FZK, NaTran Deutschland is responding to the changed market and transport situation in Germany. This gives grid users in Austria better access to THE's virtual trading point.
In addition, it has proven technically feasible to place an additional 630,000 kWh/h of FZK at the VIP Oberkappel Exit from January 1, 2024. NaTran Deutschland will thus provide a total of 1,168,350 kWh/h of FZK at the VIP Oberkappel and improve Austria's access to gas volumes from Norway and western LNG terminals.
In total, this results in a new technically available capacity (TVK) at the VIP Oberkappel Exit of 8,837,782 kWh/h (sum of TVKs provided by OGE and Natran Deutschland) from January 1, 2024. The additional volumes are already available for the January 2024 monthly auction. Marketing will be carried out by OGE in its function as the responsible TSO for the VIP Oberkappel.